Aishah: kakak..kamu free?nak kacau dgn soalan
Fynn: silakan
Aishah: kakak tahu when to let go?
i love cinta disampahkan
skrg saya ada rasa pada satu orang
tak patut di rasa apa2
dia tunangan orang
Fynn: when to let go.
Aishah: n i can't find reason to leave
Fynn: a very2 good question
but i fear u wont like the answer
Aishah: it's ok
Fynn: the time to let go is WHEN you say it is the time to let go
Aishah: sometimes kita tahu jawapan..tapi nak org lain bg kepastian
Fynn: people can say / shout / ask / force you to let go
but if you are not ready, then you are not
but if you are not ready, then you are not
Aishah: that's a good one..
Fynn: what i did before was this: i just keep on crying
Aishah: tak ada org pernah cakap
Fynn: until i realize it's just stupid
i wait until im tired of more crying
by time, the tears will be less
Aishah: n u'll come sick of it?
Fynn: and i start holding my shoulders (betul2 ni tau), and say out loud, or at least to my own ears "ok. cukup untuk hari ini"
u learn to pujuk ur self.
at the end of the day, u are alone in this life
no real friends, no need to kacau the family
u are ur best teacher
teach urself
Aishah: tuhan marah tak kak?
Fynn: and after a while, when u realize u worth so much more than u sell urself for, u will laugh on this matter
marah pasal apa?
Aishah: meaning i have to follow what my heary says?
Fynn: semua yang mendatangkan keburukan akan dimarah tuhan
Aishah: marah atas rasa yg saya ada?
Fynn: its up to u to answer
who knows what the heart says?
for all we know, it could be the whispers of shaitan
Aishah: that's the problem
Fynn: kan?
do what u think u want to do
Aishah: how to listen to your damn heart
Fynn: but be responsible for it
if u wanna cry all the way, know what is coming on
if u wanna move on, know were ure going
how do i know
its ur heart
Aishah: emmm...
Fynn: u cant ask me how to listen to urs, can u?
Aishah: hati mana boleh cakap
rasa kat mana ada pun tak tahu
then i think i'll keep on crying every night
Fynn: then cry everynight
Aishah: penat tu akan sampai?
Fynn: i bet u 500 rm u wont cry everyday
u'll be darn tired
now, yes
u'll cry and annoy everyone next to u
but this phase shall pass
u'll realize all of this are bullshits.
Aishah: hehe 500..
Fynn: and u weigh more than 500 kg gold
Aishah: lebih it
Aishah: kadang2 boleh hilang nilai tinggi tu...macam kabur'
Fynn: ah
its all up to u
Aishah: hanya sebab degil
Fynn: cry more
later u;ll stop la
Aishah: the time to let go is WHEN you say it is the time to let go
Fynn: semua org degil, bila dtg personal opinion
Aishah: never think of it that way
Fynn: kalau tak degil, bosan
Aishah: betul
Fynn: yup
Aishah: ikut arus,cakap orang=takde life on my own
your answer...i'll try
sounds sensible enough
Fynn: :):)
Aishah: cry
sometimes for no reason
Fynn: my method: no forcing. follow the flow
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thanks kakak
you get me in touch with reality
Fynn: :):)
well im just being straight
others are trying to jaga hati u
or plain dont care
Aishah: very true
Fynn: u take care, love
Aishah: or berlagak pandai
u take care too
Fynn: cry. penat nanti, diam la.
Aishah: i do love you
keep on being strong as you are
Fynn: thank you sayang
im trying my best to be strong
im trying my best to be strong
Aishah: you are
menangis tanda kuat dan gagah
you're still you are
i love her poetry, i love to see her performing what she feels..and kak fynn, i love the way i can relate and connect to you even when we have never seen each other..hubungan dalam talian..kerana umat itu satu..dan rasa kita sama.
puisi cinta disampahkan
puisi perempuan curang
okey..aishah akan teruskan menangis lagi..sampai penat. sebab belum rasa mahu let go
Monday, April 20, 2009
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- Aishah Nur Hakim
- hatinya tertinggal pesawat
It’s a habit of yours to walk slowly.
You hold a grudge for years.
With such heaviness, how can you be modest?
With such attachments, do you expect to arrive anywhere?Be wide as the air to learn a secret.
Right now you’re equal portions clay
and water, thick mud.Abraham learned how the sun and moon and the stars all set.
He said, No longer will I try to assign partners for God.You are so weak. Give up to Grace.
The ocean takes care of each wave
till it gets to the shore.
You need more help than you know.
You’re trying to live your life in open scaffolding.
Say Bismillah, In the Name of God,
as the priest does with a knife when he offers an animal.Bismillah your old self
to find your real name.
Maulana Jalaludin Rumi

By Gibran
For heaven's sake, my heart, keep secret your love,
and hide the secret from those you see
and you will have better fortune.
He who reveals secrets is considered fool;
silence and secrecy are much better for him
who falls in love.
For heaven's sake, my heart, if someone asks,
"What has happened?" do not answer.
If you are asked, 'Who is she?"
Say she is in love with another.
And pretend that it is of no consequence.
For heaven's sake, my love, conceal your passion;
your sickness is also your medicine because love
to the soul is as wine in a glass- what you
see is liquid, what is hidden is its spirit.
For heaven's sake, my heart, conceal your troubles;
then, should the seas roar and the skies fall,
you will be safe.
bukan semua soalan ada jawapan kan?
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