merasa canggung sekali mahu menulis kembali
merasa aneh sekali menyingkap tabir sembunyi
tertunduk menahan pandangan
terdiam menahan segan
tapi nafas sudah sesak
dada sudah berombak
izinkan saya kembali
dengan seribu kisah perjalanan hati
purnama ini kian runcing
cinta baru bakal datang
cinta baru bakal meninggalkan
memikirkan itu,
aku kembali diam.
masih kumohon agar dipinjamkan kekuatan.
Aishah Nur Hakim,
-menyediakan hati, buat cinta yang bakal datang
menyediakan cinta, buat hati yang bakal pergi-
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
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- Aishah Nur Hakim
- hatinya tertinggal pesawat
It’s a habit of yours to walk slowly.
You hold a grudge for years.
With such heaviness, how can you be modest?
With such attachments, do you expect to arrive anywhere?Be wide as the air to learn a secret.
Right now you’re equal portions clay
and water, thick mud.Abraham learned how the sun and moon and the stars all set.
He said, No longer will I try to assign partners for God.You are so weak. Give up to Grace.
The ocean takes care of each wave
till it gets to the shore.
You need more help than you know.
You’re trying to live your life in open scaffolding.
Say Bismillah, In the Name of God,
as the priest does with a knife when he offers an animal.Bismillah your old self
to find your real name.
Maulana Jalaludin Rumi

By Gibran
For heaven's sake, my heart, keep secret your love,
and hide the secret from those you see
and you will have better fortune.
He who reveals secrets is considered fool;
silence and secrecy are much better for him
who falls in love.
For heaven's sake, my heart, if someone asks,
"What has happened?" do not answer.
If you are asked, 'Who is she?"
Say she is in love with another.
And pretend that it is of no consequence.
For heaven's sake, my love, conceal your passion;
your sickness is also your medicine because love
to the soul is as wine in a glass- what you
see is liquid, what is hidden is its spirit.
For heaven's sake, my heart, conceal your troubles;
then, should the seas roar and the skies fall,
you will be safe.
bukan semua soalan ada jawapan kan?
- 3 (1)
- 30 hari cinta ada di sini (7)
- 30 hari cinta di sini (1)
- aishah senget (1)
- atok (1)
- autisme (1)
- bintang (1)
- bulan penuh (1)
- encik x (1)
- ini bukan fiksi (1)
- ITNM (1)
- kurang waras (?) (1)
- menangis (1)
- menggila~ (1)
- menjadi ibu (1)
- nanti simpan dalam draft ni aishah (2)
- pendidikan khas (1)
- perempuan (1)
- qaisy wa laila (1)
- satu malam seribu entry (1)
- supaya saya tidak lupa (1)
- ulasan buku (1)
- umiku sayang (1)
selamat turun ke bumi !
ingat tanak balik planet bumi daa.
glad u're back.
berfikir sejenak,,memahami ungkapan2 hati,,,hurm,,,,insyaAllah
welkam back ecah :)
cik adik aishah, datang dan pergi itu satu hakikat yang setiapnya dari kita mesti terima dan hadapi kan? setiap yang datang pasti akan pergi. face it. emberace it sayang.
cinta tu nikmat yang Tuhan kurnia. secebis bahagia yang Tuhan titip. nikmati damainya seperti kita menikmati bayu yang berhembus membelai wajah.
nyaman. boleh buat senyum sendiri sendiri kan. hiks~
p/s: bertuahlah dia yang menerima hati dan cinta Aishah. *senyum macam bulan sabit*
hai awak!
hye Aishah....
jangan hilang lagi eh :)
hye Aishah....
jangan hilang lagi eh :)
penduduk negeri matahari terbit kata
fami kata..selamat kembali cikgu Aishah!
I want to write about love and lost,
As I have felt both and hold dearly in my dreams,
It molds our hopes into realities,
That you nor I would be able to decipher,
Or surrender our hearts in totality.
Dare to dream, dare to dream,
and dare to love responsibly,
These choices we make, it is with time,
Do not fear, embrace… and your heart will incline.
(For Aishah specifically)
akhirnya kembali... lame jugak mendiam tu..
welcome back aishah:D !!!
lama tak jenguk blog cik aishah.......
*senyum buat semua*
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