Tuesday, January 11, 2011

aishah ada tajuk lain untuk puisi di dinding muzium

tajuknya rahsia,
bersambung dengan izin Tuhan di lain masa.

baik, sambung.

saat umi mengajak adik-adik ke Melaka pada cuti sekolah tempoh hari, aishah berkeras mahu ikut walaupun punya banyak urusan sekolah. dalam fikiran: nak pergi pantai, pantai, pantai, muzium, muzium, dan naik beca!

kecuali pantai, yang lain alhamdulillah kesampaian.

sewaktu di muzium yang di dalam gambar, (punyalah malas mahu semak semula apa nama muziumnya) saya paling terpegun dengan puisi di dinding muzium ini.

siapa agaknya yang sungguh bijaksana memilih puisi yang ini khusunya, untuk dipahat dituliskan di dinding muzium. puisinya sudah hilang huruf-huruf akhir. namun masih bisa difahami. kalau awak tak selalu ponteng sekolah dulu.

Percakapan 2 (macam mana nak tulis angka dalam roman?)

Bak laut
Ada pasang
Ada surut
Ada tenang
Ada gelombang
Yang pasti
Tak berhenti
Menempuh ka angkasa
Menuju ketepian


sudahlah aishah, tak pandai nak sampaikan perasaan tentang tulisan orang lain. berhenti di sini.

haah, gambar tu terbalik. sungguh rajin nak betulkan



Syafiq Effendi Faliq Alfan (SEFA) said...

cait, ho ho ho...

insyaallah.. :)

. said...


Aishah Nur Hakim said...



Anonymous said...

pantai! :)

-aina nordin

Aishah Nur Hakim said...

lama tak nampak kamu.

budak labu comel.
ha, pantai. teruja kan kan?

Falah said...

Menempuh karang
Menuju ketepian

rasanya itu yang betul, pelik sgt kalau "ka angkasa" tu.. :)


hatinya tertinggal pesawat


It’s a habit of yours to walk slowly.
You hold a grudge for years.
With such heaviness, how can you be modest?
With such attachments, do you expect to arrive anywhere?

Be wide as the air to learn a secret.
Right now you’re equal portions clay
and water, thick mud.

Abraham learned how the sun and moon and the stars all set.
He said, No longer will I try to assign partners for God.

You are so weak. Give up to Grace.
The ocean takes care of each wave
till it gets to the shore.
You need more help than you know.
You’re trying to live your life in open scaffolding.
Say Bismillah, In the Name of God,
as the priest does with a knife when he offers an animal.

Bismillah your old self
to find your real name.

Maulana Jalaludin Rumi


By Gibran

For heaven's sake, my heart, keep secret your love,
and hide the secret from those you see
and you will have better fortune.

He who reveals secrets is considered fool;
silence and secrecy are much better for him
who falls in love.

For heaven's sake, my heart, if someone asks,
"What has happened?" do not answer.
If you are asked, 'Who is she?"
Say she is in love with another.
And pretend that it is of no consequence.

For heaven's sake, my love, conceal your passion;
your sickness is also your medicine because love
to the soul is as wine in a glass- what you
see is liquid, what is hidden is its spirit.

For heaven's sake, my heart, conceal your troubles;
then, should the seas roar and the skies fall,
you will be safe.


bukan semua soalan ada jawapan kan?

awak tak follow bukan sebab awak tak sayang, kan?

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